FAQ - Deactivated account
My 3-week test phase is not over!
Nevertheless I see the following announcement in the CustomerCenter:
The account has been neutralised since the expiration time has been reached.
Please carry out an account update!
We can cheer you up - your account was not deactivated by us!
Rather, we have neutralised it, i.e. configured it with a neutral IP.
This was necessary since there is no longer a regular account update.
Take a look at the log in our CustomerCenter
where we have noted your last account updates. You can also find the neutralisation time here.
If you are using one of our clients for automatic account updates, please investigate why this is no longer
running. For Windows systems we recommend using our daemon (service) which can also run on a machine which
you have not explicitly logged into with your local username.
My 3-week test phase is over. I would like to continue to use DynAccess.
Have you already requested a bill? If not, then log into our CustomerCenter. Under "Billing" you can request a bill with your desired tariff.
Before you press the corresponding button too soon, make sure that your billing address is correct since we
cannot change this later.
If you have requested the bill, it will be created within 5 minutes and can be downloaded at this
CustomerCenter menu.
If you desire the immediate reactivation of your account then please use our electronic payment
system (PayPal, credit card). Otherwise, we can reactivate the account only after payment has been received.
My contract year is over - the account was deactivated without warning!
No, we certainly didn't do this without warning.
Take a look at the mail archive in the CustomerCenter.
Here we save all important emails sent to you, in case you have missed an email.
If our system found that our information about the end of the contract could not be sent to you, then this
is noted here.
If you would like to continue to use DynAccess and reactivate your account within 5 minutes, then request a
bill (quick-navigation link: billing) which you can then pay via one of our electronic payments systems
(Paypal, credit card).
After payment has been received, we will immediately reactivate your account.
In some cases it is necessary to restart our automatic-update client since it could have switched itself
into a delayed on-call mode.